BioBlueprint Lab Analysis

BioBlueprint 2021

2 Modules 3 Chapters 8 Lessons Intermediate

What to Expect and Prepare

Welcome to the BioBlueprint Course. You will be learning how to understand what your body's labwork is telling you about your health. The lab work analysis is the main focus of the course, but we will cover other topics as well.

Learn more

Course Modules

What to Expect and How to Prepare 6 Lessons

Important Info about the Course

The LIVE TEACHING Sessions will be done via Zoom. Sessions will be recorded and available for replay.

Here is the Zoom link:


Course dates are 

  • Monday June 21st  -  5:30pm CST
  • Tuesday June 22nd  -  5:30pm CST
  • Wednesday June 23rd -  5:30pm CST
  • Monday June 28th  -  5:30pm CST
  • Tuesday June 29th  -  5:30pm CST
  • Wednesday June 28th  -  5:30pm CST (if needed)

What You’ll Be Learning

Purpose of Course. Scope of topics. What I want to create.

Opportunity to learn more in Q&A and weekly coaching

Course Layout

How the course is designed. Layout of topics. Use of materials.

Course Materials

How to use the Course Materials

Vibrant Lab Report

Other reference ranges.

Health and Lifestyle Questionnaire 1 Lesson

Health Questionnaires

How to search

Here are some 

Sugar Control and Obesity Risk 1 Lesson

Introduction to Blood Sugars

I like the term "blood sugar control" because it's easy to understand the culprit. High sugar levels, no matter where they come, can wreak havoc on your health. Everything from difficulty losing weight to increased risk of diabetes, heart disease, dementia and more.

Medical terms associated with high blood sugars are impaired fasting glucose, pre-diabetes, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, insulin resistance and a few others.
